Women of a Certain Vintage
Monthly Intergeneration Learning and Support Group with Monthly Speakers, Community Connection, and Collaborative Transformation.
Learn, Connect, Grow, Explore
Meeting 6:15pm Every 2nd Monday of the Month
Different Speaker and Topic Each Month
Bring a Journal & a Friend
October 14th: The Beginning: "Internal Light" Kat welcomes the group. Set individual & group intentions. photographer takes "beginning photo". Opening circle: discuss why everyone is here/share stories. Ground ourselves, determine who we have been over our lifetime and our aspirations for the next year. Talk about images of ourselves and how we see ourselves. Drinks/food included. $40 - Erin Bloodgood Photography, Tosa Physical Therapy and Wellness
November: What’s up with my lady parts? Healing from the Inside out: An Integrative approach to Pelvic Health How to optimize your pelvic health and heal from the inside out from a holistic lens (incorporating concepts such as nutrition, gut health, hormones, nervous system regulation and pelvic care). $25 Megan Wiley Megan PT, DPT, WHC
December: The power of breath Includes brief biology lesson respiration and nervous systems. breathwork relating to yoga and life. learning several breathing techniques. $25 - Jane Smetana, PTA, Bohemian Yoga
January: Nutrition, Movement & Self-Care Learn about the importance of adequate nutrition, movement, sleep and stress management to help you thrive through menopause and beyond. $30
February: Strength Training during Peri/Meno/Postmenopause Guided by Alyson Stearns PT, DPT, Spine Specialist, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach as she magnifies the meaning behind strength in this stage of life. - Rehab Lab PT $20
March: Sound Healing Meditation w/ Cacao Ceremony Opening with a sacred cacao ceremony to open and connect to our heart, embody gratitude for our aging bodies, and feel more grounded and connected leading into a sound healing meditation session that will focus on relieving symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Together this experience will help activate our body's natural healing system. - Kristy Mills, Sound Healer
April: The Seeds We Sow Meditation and discussion around how our thoughts, words and actions plant the seeds that grow, bloom and thrive in all our lives. Take home a peat pot sown with 3 zinnia seeds to nurture from seed to flower. - Carly and Joseph, Aromatic Acres
May: Bowl Mending: Finding Beauty in Change and Imperfections Art Therapist Brittany Runaas will lead participants through art experential exploring the Japense art of repairing broken pottery ("Kintsugi"/"Kintsukuroi"). Participants will have the opportunity to break a vessel to repair and then paint followed by a discusion related to the metaphors this process highlights. - Brittany Runaas