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New Yoga Instructor Welcome Event with Comfyist Collaboration

Two of my favorite things:

  1.  Strong Caring Women

  2.  Efficient Functional Clothing

Let’s get together with coffee and morning refreshments to welcome our newest yoga class Saturdays at 7:30am with Shining Light Yoga led by Tyra Hildebrand. Tyra is all about cultivating light and connection. (I’m a big fan.)

With that in mind, I’ve invited Amy Fallucca to share her one of a kind athleisure collection - Comfyist - designed for comfort and style. It’s perfect for your yoga sessions and beyond. Get ready to elevate your practice and your wardrobe.

A Little Tid-Bit: Show of Hands of anyone who gets hella annoyed to find random bra cup lost in the abyss of the unknown when doing laundry … or … you go to put your bra on and realize the cup is folded over all weird and you have to take precious minutes to figure out the rubik’s cube of positioning … or … you just want to slide a tank on comfortably and not worry about the layers above, below and between…[Me Raising Both Hands High] …

Haven’t we all thought to ourselves- why aren’t these things attached and more comfortable?

Comfyist is the answer.

About the morning —

  • Shining Light Yoga at 7:30 am

  • Coffee and Breakfast Bites after class at 8:30 am

  • Amy Fallucca to share about her all for one and one for all top with Tosa PT & Wellness discounts for purchase between classes.

  • Bohemian Yoga at 9:30 am

  • Chit chat and coffee per usual on Saturdays after class

Please Sign Up for Each Class You’d like to attend.

First time users will be directed to “register” making an account with your email address. Then sign up for class and services.

November 15

Stress-Less Holidays Workshop